
1 December 2010


And so December is upon us, which means in just twenty-five days (or less depending on when you are reading this) it shall be Christmas Day. 

I love Christmas, I love getting excited for it, I love decorating the flat for Christmas, I love standing outside in the freezing cold pretending to like mulled wine (for 2 sips and then giving it to someone else) that you paid an absolute fortune for (£5.50). I love it, I love browsing the German Market, I love it when it gets snowy, I love Christmas. 

Merry Christmas!

However what I do not love about Christmas is the stress to get everyones presents. That part, I hate. Presents are a big deal, but I try to only get presents for family, and close friends, because it just makes it so much easier that way. But there's still the panic, are you going to get someone more than what they got you? If you're disappointed by a present you have to hide it... It's difficult.

To be honest the day I look the most forward to is Christmas Eve. You cannot go wrong with Christmas Eve. It's impossible. The anticipation for the next morning is still there, you spend more time with family and less time with presents or being rushed around cooking a dinner, helping or whatever it is you choose to do with your day. 

Christmas Eve is that perfect day where everything is done, you do not need to worry about anything else now, everything is done, you can relax, whatever is going to go wrong the next day cannot be changed now, just relax. It's perfect. I love it. 

However this snow at the moment, I am not so fond of to be honest. The snow that has closed my university, the snow that makes walking to work in the morning take twice as long, the snow that has everyone moaning and complaining about it. Let's just get on with it and hope it goes away. 

18 November 2010

My Experience With Presentations

So as I have previously mentioned on this blog, I'm not the worlds best person when it comes to presentations, in fact, I'm really quite terrible with them. My problem is that I work myself up so much about them, that it's easier just to not think about it, and pretend that absolutely nothing is happening, pretend that I don't have to get up and stand and talk about things in front of people for a while. 

This is kind of what that goes like:

Not pictured: Studying

Anyway, so I sit around in happy-la-la-land for about a month or so before something snaps and I end up sitting up for most of the night cursing myself and frantically trying to do something worthwhile for my presentation. The presentation for my university course wasn't the first presentation or talk I have ever had to give. 

Here are some of my experiences that go way back... 

I remember doing one in Primary 7, to the whole class, on polar bears. And it was okay, I was really nervous but it was okay, I had a big piece of cardboard paper with pictures for people to look at. And back then seemed to be before my cycle of denial began.

But then in Secondary 1 or 2, I can't remember which, we had to give a talk to the class on something like our favourite holiday or something. I can't remember. And I was terrified, I convinced myself I could wing it, as long as I didn't think about it, I would be okay. 

I forgot though that I was quite terrified of certain social situations, one of them being standing up and having over twenty of your peers (who you don't know that well and probably don't like you anyway) staring at you and waiting for you to say something worthwhile, is at the top of that list. 

And I was awful, she picked me first or second, I was definitely at the very start anyway and I got up and slowly walked my way to the front of the classroom, wanting to die. I stuttered and stammered, went bright red and kept fidgeting with the cords on my cardigan, before finally I could go and sit down and pretend I didn't need any friends - since I definitely wasn't going to have any now. 

I remained terrified but knowing I was going to have to come across talks again in the future and in 3rd and 4th year I did, but the teacher did them in a way that meant we could do them in little groups of 3 or 4 outside of the classroom, and sitting down, so we didn't need to stand up and present it. Which I found much nicer and easier to deal with. 

But as the years passed my aversion to presentations got worse and I did as much as I could to avoid them altogether.

But my degree is very important to me, without my degree I can't do my chosen career and without that then I will never feel any self-worth. I'm a very career orientated person. 

So I was going to have to do this presentation, whether I wanted to or not. So eventually when I was at about 3 days till the presentation it hit me I had a presentation to do and dammit it was important. I decided I no longer needed to sleep and just stayed up all night revising, and reading books called Automotive Ergonomics

And then I did it. I did the presentation, I didn't want to but I did, and when my lecturer told me what I got I was practically blown off my feet. 95%! How crazy is that? 

So I had a celebratory day off uni work and spent the day in bed. They are my favourite kind of days.... 

I'm in heaven now.

16 November 2010

40 Things

This is a blog meme I found a while ago, I don't have the link to it anymore but if anyone fancies copying it from me go ahead! Although this isn't my own original material (well the answers are but not the questions).

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
I started university!
2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn't really have any resolutions, apart from to do the Moonwalk, which I did!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My sister did, just two weeks ago!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Nobody that I was particularly close to as in, spoke to regularly and saw a lot, but a few people I knew, did.
5. What countries did you visit?
France, England.
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
I would like to have more money.... hey we can dream?
7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory?
Feb 22nd - my eighteenth birthday. Feb 23rd - when I got to see Wicked for the first and as of yet, only time. April 16th - Nickys birthday. August 13th - My sisters birthday!  Nov 1st - My nephews birthday :) when he was born.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting into uni!
9. What was your biggest failure?
Not going home for the summer.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing serious just a chest infection over the summer.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
What? I don't know, a lot of peoples! 
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
A couple of people's did, but I shan't get into that here.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Food and bills
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
WICKED! My eighteenth, Paris! And Kians birth.
16. What song/album will always remind you of 2010?
Oh quite a few.... that Americano song! Bad Romance, Telephone, basically any song that was a hit this year.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? A bit of both?
thinner or fatter? Fatter I think.
richer or poorer? Poorer.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Enjoyed the sun a bit more when it was here!
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Wasted money.
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
At home with my mam having a lovely family day.
21. Who did you spend the most time on the phone with?
It's a toss up between Nicky, my mam and my stepmam.
22. Did you fall in love in 2010?
I already was in love.
23. How many one night stands in this last year?
Big fat zerroooo
24. What was your favourite TV program?
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Hate is a strong word, I dislike people now that I didn't dislike this time last year.
26. What was the best book(s) you read?
I read quite a few books. Difficult to choose.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Lady Gaga ;)
28. What did you want and get?
To go to university.
29. What did you want and not get?
Money..... oh if only I could be so luckyyyy.
30. What were your favourite films of this year?
Made in Dagenham was fantastic. Can't remember other films I saw! Terrible.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 18, and I spent the morning at my dads house and then went into town to get my iPhone, and then spent the afternoon with my best friends and then my mam and sister surprised me! My boyfriend was there the whole day it was fantastic, then the next day my mam and sister and I went to London. :) 
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Moving into a nice flat, feeling closer to friends and family and getting to university. Having a future. 
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
It changes a lot.
34. What kept you sane?
My friends and family
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Zac Efron.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The election.
37. Who did you miss?
Some people I am not so close to anymore.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Oh god a few! All my friends I made at university, friends I met at work.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.
I can't think of one this very second...
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year?
"You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream" :) 

15 November 2010

Dec and Sarah's Fun Story

So my friend Dec and I were bored one lonely night on the internet.... and we decided to write a story... we have yet to title it as it has yet to come up with a point. But here it is:

Once upon a time there was a woman named Belinda, Belinda didn't like her name, so she changed it to Carolyn. She thought this name went with her personality so much better so once she had decided on her name she thought she had better get up and get on with her day. First off she put on her trousers, and then remembered she hadn't put on any underwear, oh well who needs underwear? Just another layer to remove and then thought to herself, less really is more. "Look how free I look!" When she walked out her house in nothing but her trousers and shoes she saw that people were giving her funny looks. But Carolyn really didn't care; she sauntered off to the bus stop to wait for the bus, what was public indecency? She was young and attractive; she was really doing everyone a favour.

She felt it was really quite chilly out. While out at the shops she'd buy herself a nice hat and scarf set to match. She heard a noise from nearby, and then saw a black mass slowly crawl down the alley by the chip shop. Carolyn went to go and investigate this black mass... and then decided she was hungry so went and got herself some chips, well she got herself four portions of chips and three fish suppers, just the regular lunch really. Then she went out to go see what this black mass was all about.

"This is no ordinary black mass" she thought. (and Carolyn had quite an impressive knowledge of black masses) she walked cautiously towards the alley with her hands waving frantically over her head, you know, casual and as inconspicuous as ever. As she got closer to the black mass it appeared to get bigger, she thought that was rather strange and she waved her arms faster and faster hoping it might make the mass smaller again but it wasn't working! She stepped on the black mass and was surprised to find....

"Martin!" she exclaimed “What are you doing here?!” Martin sheepishly explained how he'd seen a penny coin roll down the alley and decided to chase after it (every little helps).

Martin stood up and looked directly across at Carolyns chest (he was rather small) and was surprised to see that she was wearing hardly any clothes, "My god you must be cold!" he said and gave her his scarf to warm up with.

"Oh no thanks." she said, feeling quite offended at Martin's disgusted look. As she was talking about herself to Martin, she noticed a package in the alley. "Hey look Martin, there's a package! Let's open it!"

"Yeeeeey presents" shouted Martin gleefully. And inside the package was costumes!

There was one costume for Cher and one costume for Lady Gaga! It ended up that Carolyn put on the Cher costume and Martin put on the Lady Gaga costume, "We look fantastic!" Carolyn said as she walked out of the alley feeling like a new person. "Let's go get some more chips, I'm starving!" said Carolyn.

"Ok" said Martin, who didn't want to disagree with her, just before they got to the chip shop, Martin saw another penny on the ground and bent down to pick it up, but unfortunately lost his balance and fell onto the busy main road. "Oops" said Martin.

Just as Martin stood up a car quickly knocked him down. And then another and another. Carolyn didn't notice any of this as she had gone back into the chippy and got some more of those yummy chips. It was only as she was coming out she dropped all her chips to the ground when she saw Martins remains on the road. "Oh no! Martin!" She said and knelt beside the road. Then she got awfully bored and returned to the discarded chips. "Thank god I'm wearing this amazing Cher costume, I look so swag" 

After she had eaten the chips from the pavement Carolyn got up and walked down the pavement, swaggering because she looked swag and she felt it fit. She got to the bus stop and decided to catch the bus into town to show off her new clothes. As the bus pulled away, it ran over the remains of Martin. "This is one bumpy bus!" she blurted out. Boredom set back in so she decided to lick some windows to get a good view of the outside world. Unsatisfied, she turned to her fellow passengers and decided to be friendly, maybe a bit too friendly...

Carolyn quickly put her hand atop her fellow passengers head, "Why hello fellow bus rider!" She exclaimed and patted the man on the head, the man beside her looked pretty freaked out and quickly scanned the area for any free seats but there were none. "Don't you love my swag?" Carolyn said and started to chew on the man’s hat, she was so hungry. Before long, she had to leave the bus as her stop was approaching, but she felt she had grown close to the man beside her. She thought for a moment then decided to take him with her on her travels; she was quite hoping he'd propose to her. So off they went around town when they noticed an incredibly large post box.

"My, that is one huge post box!" She said and the man muffled because Carolyn had to gag him with his scarf in order for him to come with her. They walked over to the post box and she poked it. Suddenly the post box swallowed the two of them up. The man let out a muffled cry and Carolyn giggled, this was not the first time she had been swallowed by a post box.

"Oh here we go again" she said. "I do hope I get to the shops before they close! I've got to keep up my swag too"

“Mmmmmmphmhmphmpmhpmhmmmmhmmmm" said the man.

"Do you smell cats too man?" asked Carolyn, then a hand poked her face.

Apparently she and the man were not alone in the post box. Carolyn gasped aloud, "I've been in here for hours." wailed the other man, coincidentally his name was also Martin. He was big and wearing a yellow jumper. "Oh Martin! I wasn't expecting to see you here! Are you happy?" Carolyn said.

"Mmhppphhh" groaned the man and Carolyn kicking him in the kneecap. 

To Be Continued

Although the characters are named after people Dec and I know they do not represent the people as a whole, our friend Carolyn is not the kind of person likely to go out wearing next to nothing and eat a million chippys. Well not yet anyway.....

What will happen to Carolyn, the man and Martin? Will we ever see the first Martin again or is he dead for good? Will they ever get out of the post box? Can this story get any more random? Find out.... next time.


Okay so the title may be a little over exaggeration, I actually just went back to the beginning of when I joined facebook. I joined facebook what could be considered a little late, early 2009. In fact I do recall the only reason I joined was to play 'myFarm' which is rather embarrassing to admit. I had another facebook account back in 2007, and I stopped using it because I neither liked nor understood facebook. But then at the beginning of 2009 I decided to give it another go and well, I never looked back.

I am clearly, such an interesting person

So anyway that was how I came to be on Facebook, I then decided to go along and see what kind of story my facebook told me (apparently, nothing I just 'like' a lot of things). It was quite time consuming which was what I was really going for as I was trying to get out of studying, as you do. I'm such a good student. 

It's funny to think though how much has changed. When I joined facebook, it was only a year and a half ago, I was 16, living with my dad, stepmam, papa and brother, and going to college to do a pointless course, university seemed like a million miles away, as did turning eighteen. I had just started going out with a nice boy, but I didn't imagine we'd be together for as long as we have. 

And yet here I am at 18, attending university studying Psychology and not Journalism like I had intended to back then, living with the nice boy I had started seeing back then in a completely different city. It's nice and it's strange how your life turns out completely differently to the way you expected it. Not saying that this is my life 'turning' out, I'm only eighteen, who knows where I'll be in two years!

I could be living on a boat in Venice for all you know. It could happen (don't even think I want it to happen though...).

Before facebook we all used Bebo, at least all my friends did, does anyone remember Bebo? Oh god it lived a sad, sad, life. And Myspace, oh dearie me. All these websites at the bottom of the social networking garbage pile, it's sad really. 

In other news Christmas is coming soon! I quite enjoy Christmas, as an all round holiday I am very family orientated and it means I get to go home to Shetland to see my family, I love that. Although I hate people who totally rape Christmas by putting up tons of Christmas decorations...

Punch me! Please!

There is just no need, I like subtle decorations. Although my flat will not be being decorated until after the 10th December this year as I really need to study for exams, whereas last year EVERYTHING WAS UP ON THE 1ST. And the only reason it was up so early and I was so excited was because it was my first Christmas living away from home (aside from the fact that I went home for the actual Christmas part). 

And there will be Winter Wonderland to attend to in Edinburgh's Princes Street Gardens which is always, always fun. (: 

12 November 2010


See this is exciting. I don't know why but I felt the need to drink my way through a whole bottle of wine when I have uni and work thenext day. I know what you're thinking: Sarah! You're a GENIUS! Well yes, I am thank you very regonsing this very amazing fact, yeah. 

You know how everyone always has that moment when they realise they are drunk, like when you're out at a party and you realise holy shit I'm wasted. Well for me, that moment is when I go to the toilet, and i look in the bathroom mirror and have to 'focus' to look at myself properly (or if I'm really wasted and can't see myself at all). Thats when things like that happen. 

So I tried to find an image on Google but alas, there happen to be no images of people leaning on mirrors so I will just post a picture of a bumble bee instead. 

I'm a happy bee!

yeah bumble bee but i knw you#re game (you can tell I'm getting a wee bit drunker here?) I knowe you really wanna get me with that stinger at the back. You wanna know a secret? I trust you blog readers so I'll tell you. I hate bee's. Well I thin they are cute but I've never been stung. AND WASPS oh don't get me started on wasps. HATE THEM. terrified. I will run screaming or stand trying to hide every visible piece of skin as I can. I wish I was a turtle. 

How cool are turtles?! 

Hi I'm a turtle and I happen to be the coolest thing on the planet?!

They really are, they can go into their shell and hide, they can do all sorts that we humans lac the ability to do. they can hide in their little cute shells away from danger. they can 'duck and cover' kudos if you know what I'm talking about.

Okay I know this post has a lot A LOT of spelling errors but really you don't know the haf of it, all the mistakes I have to corect! It would be too much if I left them all in. I sdwear!

See I will type a compleely uncorrercted psentence and you will see all the work I am going to to make sure you have somethin reavable to read. 

You see. Terrible Sarah. Terrible. 


Okay one more glass of wine then bed whasump!