
28 October 2010

The Interview

So the other day I had an interview at a large supermarket near me, literally about a twenty minute walk away, it was good, life is good, I was happy and excited as this wasn't the first interview I had been to with them, I had been called back from a group interview. I took this as a great thing and was very excited as well, I am very poor right now and need money more than anything. 

So all was well, the interview was at 1pm, but up until about 12.05pm I was sure it was 3pm. So I was sitting there on my bed in my pyjamas, hair everywhere since I hadn't brushed it since I'd woken up, yesterdays make up all over me around the eyes making me look similar to a panda... well, you get the idea. 

When suddenly at 12.05PM I realised, the interview was at one o'clock and I was sent into a massive flurry of a panic. 

So that wasn't a very good illustration but hey, I don't claim to be an artist. Anyway, I got up, threw my laptop away from me and ran to the bathroom. 

Fast forward twenty minutes.....

I was finally ready, now getting ready in 20 minutes is no easy task, and by this point I was feeling pretty out of breath, I hadn't had anything to eat or drink yet but there was no time! And then as usual I couldn't find the house keys, this is typical to happen just the moment you need to run out of the door, so I wasted a good ten minutes hunting for them. 

Then I was gone. WHOOSH. That is the sound of my leaving my flat, running down the stairs and power walking to the supermarket. Although when I power walk one of my legs always goes wonky, and half way there I started feeling insecure about it and tried to make it go away, which of course only made it worse. 

Then I told myself THERE IS NO TIME and like some kind of a superhero I managed to make it there, sweaty and red faced, I could feel the sweat dripping down my back, seriously. But I told myself, it's only a supermarket - not that I would tell that to my possible future boss...

She wasn't ready for me and I waited ten minutes before being seen which was a god send because I had time then to sort out my hair which had been all blown in the wind, and calm down, slow my breathing so I didn't sound like I was having some kind of an asthma attack.

And then I made a total fool of myself as all through the interview I stuttered and stammered because all I could think about was how HUNGRY I was and how I wanted to gorge myself on some food right then, and I was pretty tired from my superhero walk. I hope she just thought I had some kind of a speech impediment... 

Haven't heard yet, so maybe she has something against people with speech impediments? 

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