
28 October 2010


Halloween is upon us yet again! I don't do an awful lot for Halloween, last year I dressed up as a zombie type thing - I really just did what most people do last minute on Halloween and covered myself and an old top in fake blood, never fails! People said I looked scary. 

Pictured: Zombie.

But this year I won't be doing very much at all because I just don't have the money, the original intention is to have my friend Maurice over for drinks and scary movie time, I also was intended to go and see the new Saw film this weekend, as well as Paranormal Activity 2. But we shall see, depends how early I get back from Glasgow on Sunday or not!

In other news one of my favourite things about Halloween is the pumpkin carving, it's so much fun! And yet I haven't done it for like, two or three years, I don't know what's up with that but I intended to rectify it this year but again, I may not have time! It's all going to be worth it though.

In other news I thought my laptop almost died today, it was randomly shutting itself down all the time and being rather strange, I almost lost all my university work I had been doing (and ought to still be doiing as it's due in 13 hours and I still have four questions to go) so I was having a right panic to myself, thinking I was going to lose it all. 

It was one of those moments where I went from LALALAL I AM HAVING A GOOD DAY EVERYTHING IS FANTASTIC to I HATE LIFE I WANT TO PUNCH SOMETHING in about two seconds. And then my neighbour was tapping on the wall incessantly for two hours straight, it got to the point where I was twitching with Every. Single. Tap. Eventually I turned on loud music in my frustation and they stopped. 

When my laptop did die my boyfriend, being the amazing computer type person that he is took it apart to find out the problem and when he did he found a big ball of compacted dust around my fan, so I think I'm definitely going to be asking for one of those things your laptop sits on for Christmas.

So now after a day of mindless research methods coursework, and the most unfunny blog post ever, I am off to bed, to sleep and hopefully dream of being 'financial' as I told my boyfriend I was doing last night in my sleep. 

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