
12 November 2010


See this is exciting. I don't know why but I felt the need to drink my way through a whole bottle of wine when I have uni and work thenext day. I know what you're thinking: Sarah! You're a GENIUS! Well yes, I am thank you very regonsing this very amazing fact, yeah. 

You know how everyone always has that moment when they realise they are drunk, like when you're out at a party and you realise holy shit I'm wasted. Well for me, that moment is when I go to the toilet, and i look in the bathroom mirror and have to 'focus' to look at myself properly (or if I'm really wasted and can't see myself at all). Thats when things like that happen. 

So I tried to find an image on Google but alas, there happen to be no images of people leaning on mirrors so I will just post a picture of a bumble bee instead. 

I'm a happy bee!

yeah bumble bee but i knw you#re game (you can tell I'm getting a wee bit drunker here?) I knowe you really wanna get me with that stinger at the back. You wanna know a secret? I trust you blog readers so I'll tell you. I hate bee's. Well I thin they are cute but I've never been stung. AND WASPS oh don't get me started on wasps. HATE THEM. terrified. I will run screaming or stand trying to hide every visible piece of skin as I can. I wish I was a turtle. 

How cool are turtles?! 

Hi I'm a turtle and I happen to be the coolest thing on the planet?!

They really are, they can go into their shell and hide, they can do all sorts that we humans lac the ability to do. they can hide in their little cute shells away from danger. they can 'duck and cover' kudos if you know what I'm talking about.

Okay I know this post has a lot A LOT of spelling errors but really you don't know the haf of it, all the mistakes I have to corect! It would be too much if I left them all in. I sdwear!

See I will type a compleely uncorrercted psentence and you will see all the work I am going to to make sure you have somethin reavable to read. 

You see. Terrible Sarah. Terrible. 


Okay one more glass of wine then bed whasump!

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