
6 November 2010

What I Am Afraid Of

I'm scared of a lot of silly things, I don't like not being in control of myself so I don't particularly enjoy alcohol (although I do drink it sometimes) and I don't like drugs at all. I don't like spiders, and creepy crawlies as already mentioned in this post. I'm not a huge fan of deep water in the sea because you just don't know what's down there. 

This is how I imagine it in my head.

So that's why I hate swimming in the ocean, even when I'm around a place where there aren't even any sharks, or in a loch (lake for all those non-Scottish readers) I STILL am so sure that something bad is going to happen, be it a shark or a very big fish. It could happen

But another thing I am terrified of, is clowns, oh my god. I don't understand how any child finds a clown funny, I mean LOOK AT THEM.

I just peed myself.

Okay so I got that image by searching 'evil clown face' on google. BUT STILL. It's effing scary, these stories aren't all made up! There are some evil clowns out there, haven't you heard the ghost stories? Because I have. And they freak me out. No, I do not like clowns, they can all just stay away from me, far, far away. 

It doesn't help that my only real experience of a clown was this clown that used to come to these park days for the charity my stepmam used to help organise. It was called Cash for Kids, Summer Games and we would set up in various parks around Glasgow, and there was face painting, fake tattoo's (also called dabbities) and all these sort of games like the hoopla, and the one where you try to knock coconuts off the thing. 

I always worked on dabbities, and the clown that came to do shows for the kids was called 'Bubbles'. And this man, like even when he wasn't working as Bubbles he would answer his phone like "Hello? Bubbles?" in this really childish, sing-song voice and it was so freaking scary. 

My stepmam says she will just never forget the day, it was a misty day and they were in the car park and there were all these tree's around the edge of the park, 'Bubbles' had gone to get changed at the edge of the car park and he just came through in the mist, squeaking with his little trolley full of whatever clowns carry around with them, in his full clown outfit. 

I would have died on the spot. 

I have a comfort zone as well, apparently I don't like changing it Nicky (my boyfriend) says. However I did remind him that we went and tried sushi on our two year anniversary just a mere two weeks ago, and he said that was 'not the norm'. Just because I know what I like.

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