
3 November 2010

How To... Irritate Me Part 2

Since my original post on 'How To Irritate Me' was probably my most looked at post so far, I decided to take the easy way out of actually having to think of a new post idea (I know, I'm very lazy) and just do a second one to that since I think you will find a LOT of things irritate me, seriously. But I think that's the same for everyone.

Anyway let's move on, down to what I find annoying/irritating.

People telling you what YOU'RE feeling
Doesn't anyone else get really annoyed by this? When you are speaking to someone and they go "Oh but, no you're not" or something like that, maybe when you say you didn't sleep well last night, or you have a sore stomach "Oh no you don't" as if you've just told this lie for absolutely no reason. And you feel like going "No, actually I do have a sore stomach and I didn't sleep well last night. OH AND I'M ANNOYED NOW."

Unreliable People
People who quite happily say they will do one thing, and then do another (I'm bad for this myself, actually). Like people who will be all happy to go out with you and meet up and then twenty minutes beforehand, they text you like 'oh sorry can't come sorry xxx' and you know they have probably not meant to come for a while, but have only told you at the last minute. There is no reason for this at all! Tell me sooner if you're not coming out, not when you should be leaving to go out.

Old people who think they are better than everyone else
Right, I hate old people who think they are better than everyone else because, well they are old. I do agree with all the 'let an elderly person take your seat on the bus if there's no others' and that kind of thing, but when they expect it it really annoys me. Like elderly people who seem to think that every single young person is a chav or a ned sitting out on the streets drinking and doing drugs when it's not the case. I hate being prejudiced against for being young, fuck off!

People who think they are better than me
I hate people who look down on me because they seem to think they are better than me for... absolutely no reason. It really annoys me, people who put you down and say those 'backhanded' compliments just fuck off, you're not better than me. Absolutely not. 

Girls who wear revealing clothes... and then complain
I hate girls who wear revealing clothes and then complain people are looking, if you don't want people to look at your ass don't wear a skirt so short it looks like a belt, okay? And if you don't want people to call you a slut don't wear clothes like that and then be all over every single male person you see, yeah? It makes life so much easier.

Okay so that was more ways to annoy me. If you really wanted to annoy me this would be how to do it. Anyway I've noticed a few people read this so feel free to comment! I'd love to have some feedback! I've even left a little cbox over at the side if you don't have an account.

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